Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Ultimate Dreams

Within 5 years

1. Get into Medicine Faculty for University

2. Stay in a nice condo in the city 

3. Get a car

4. Be in a stable relationship 

5. Travel around the world 


1. Have three children(boy, boy, girl)

2. Earn a stable income 

3. Open an aesthetic clinic

4. Be an owner of a resort/hotel

5. See my children get married 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cartoon from the 1950's

The picture above refers to women in the 1950's period. The words on the picture, "That awkward moment when you realize you spend all of International Women's Day IN THE KITCHEN", is a type of propaganda that is possibly made by male who is biased towards women being the inferior gender in society during that time. However, the cartoon has no purpose of attacking an enemy, it is merely insulting women. In this case, women's role in the 1950's were very limited. They are not treated equally or in other words, have no rights. The phrase, "in the kitchen," is today's common slang phrase of how men in society look down on women as only capable of doing housework. Not only that, the phrase is also emphasized extensively through the use of capitalization and size in this cartoon. Therefore, the common use of "in the kitchen" in the modern society has become very insulting and offensive to women. 


Some might not understand this cartoon because they do not understand how the phrase is perceived in society. Therefore, the meanings presented can be a total misconception. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Inquiry to Intelligence

From the picture above, my top three intelligences are kinaesthetic(body smart), intrapersonal(myself smart), and logical(number smart). Personally, I think that this test is accurate because I also feel the same way about myself as the result shows. In this case, I think that I work well with learning things that involves body motion. For instance, I do well in sports and dance. Because I know that I can do these things decently, I tend to do it often and it serves as my stress relief activity. On the other hand, my other top multiple intelligence is intrapersonal. This affects me with my learning immensely. Since I know myself well, I usually plan out things and set goals for myself. For example, if I know that I am going to be slacked off, I would set plans and organize the things that are of superior importance. Lastly, since I know that I am quite logical, I take subjects that requires logic because I know I will be able to master it. I feel that it is best to take or learn things that I'm good. 
In conclusion, I think that it is helpful to know the things that we are knowledgeable with. This makes us know ourselves better and helps us achieve success.