Monday, November 5, 2012

1984, Ch. 6&7 Analysis

Chapter 6

Critical Position: Feminist

Chapter 6 talks about how Winston desires for sexual encounter with someone from not having for a long period of time after he divorced with his wife, Katherine. Winston broke up with his wife because she is not interested in any sexual acts unless the purpose is for producing children to the Party. Consequently, Winston had a sexual affair with an "old and ugly" prostitute but he did it anyways. From a feminist's position, I think that Orwell's writing is unrealistic and over-exaggerating of how the Party controls its people. I think that both females and males in general cannot keep themselves away from the 'desire' of having sexual intercourse for pleasure. I feel that mankind value 'emotions' over 'righteous' and therefore, the ideal of being chaste is very hard to achieve. On the other hand, I think that females should not find a living by selling love. I feel this way because the culture I live in is emphasizes prostitutes as disgraceful and shameful. 

Critical Position: Moral 

The morals I got from this chapter focuses on being a caring person. For example, Winston divorced with Katherine because she does not perceive or enjoy the relationship  the same way Winston does. From clues in the chapter, Winston respects his wife's decision and does not force her to do things she does not want to. Not only that he also finds out that their relationship is based on the Party's needs for more children, not originally based on love. Therefore, Winston chooses to divorce for the happiness of both him and his wife. However, I dislike the fact that the old woman makes a living by being a prostitute. It is a dishonor to find money by selling one's own body. I feel that she has the ability to find money other ways. 

Chapter 7 

Critical Position: Psychoanalytic

Chapter 7 narrates about how the Party teach their people to believe the facts that are feuded but not from their eyes and ears. For example, the Party feeds in "2 and 2 gets 5" deceiving the people's sense of determining what's right and what's not. I feel that this topic is very bizarre and inhumane. Personally, I feel that the people who thinks of repressing people this way is mentally ill. However, this text still interests me because the idea presented is very abnormal and I find it a mystery to think about. 

Critical Position: Moral 

I feel that the Party should not repress its people by feeding in information rather than teaching them how to think for themselves. This limits people's freedom of thought and therefore, it is no difference from turning humans into robots. The Party should think about the better for everyone and not just themselves who gets to control and overpower the public. 


1.) Why did you initially choose the theory you did to break down your chapter(s).

I chose to write from a feminist's perspective for chapter 6 because it narrates about how Winston encounters with two different woman in his life. The two women is portrayed differently in this text so I wanted to reflect on how I think and feel about each person. On the other hand, I chose to write from the psychoanalytic position for chapter 7. This is because I feel that the message present in this chapter shows to be very inhumane and mentally disordered. Therefore, I want to write and find out the deeper meanings from a psychoanalytic scope for this chapter. However, I chose to write from the moral position for chapter 6 and 7 because I feel that I can reflect the teaching lessons I got from both chapters. 

2.) How did viewing the chapter(s) through this scope (and the scope or your partner) change your interpretation of your reading?

I feel that this activity made me read between the lines and understand both chapters in depth. It made me analyze why events in the novel happen for a reason, not just reading like I always normally do. Not only that, I think that viewing the chapter from a critical position made me understand about the a particular perspective portrayed in the chapter better because it focuses on one topic but in a great detail. 

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