Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Naked Emperor

This article talks about how the Communist Party manipulates its people through the use of propaganda in the cyber world. It entirely relies on the background information of China as a communist country, otherwise, it would be considered ambiguous. Because this article is written by a third person point of view, it writes about how the Party illustrates itself to the public as well as how society perceives the Party's messages. A leader in the Party posted on Sina Weibo that she "wept five times" during the President's opening speech, the common people ridicules or take this saying as a joke by mentioning he "wept five times" after he ate the spicy noodles for instance. The public backfired the leader's posting shows that they are not conceived or manipulated by the Party's praiseworthy sayings that sets them in a decent standing. 

Not only that, Mr. Zhu even wrote, “Ordinary people like us all know the emperor is not wearing any clothes. The emperor himself knows that he is naked. He also knows that we know. And yet he still walked out like this.” Mr. Zhu comments that the public knows that the Party is trying to depict themselves as the hero or the star of China even if it is wrong and immoral, yet they are continuing to draw themselves as the 'good guys'. 

I think that the intention behind this article is to humiliate the Party of how they try to manipulate their people but fails because the public knows what the Party is up to. I feel that this is very shameful and humiliating that the Party knows what they are doing and they are still doing it. Moreover, I also think that the public are working towards becoming a free country or at least warn the Party that they are not that dimwitted to be influenced by such propagandas. 

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