Thursday, September 27, 2012

Isaac Asimov's Critique on 1984

Isaac Asimov wrote a review on 1984 by George Orwell to represent contemporary reader's interpretation of the text. Although much of this critique talks about how Asimov analyzes Orwell's 1984, Asimov also includes the reasons behind why Orwell wrote the story. This critique shows to be representing both side ideas but leaning towards reader's perspective, or in this case, Asimov’s perspective. Asimov’s intention is to “set people straight”. Not only that, because this text is in the form of a critique and not a text itself, Asimov assumes that readers have a basic background understanding of the novel 1984. 

Asimov focuses on three aspects of the satirical novel, which are the science fiction, the government, and the international relations presented in the content. This organized format of the text makes it easy for the readers to follow along. The language used is formal and contains descriptive dictions. Furthermore, because this text is based on analyzing Orwell's novel, this text does not show bias towards communists or capitalists. Asimov comments only on why the author writes his story in this way and how he does it. Therefore, readers of Asimov's critique would not be persuaded towards either side but will be given various ideas of why the text written in that way. It is important for Asimov to be unbiased in his critique because the text Asimov chooses to review on contains cultural diversity. Therefore, prejudice comments can be offensive to either side easily and this can make people of different culture furious upon his writings. 

Personally, I think that there are many different meanings that can be constructed from this text. Since this writing is based upon Orwell’s novel, 1984, that contains many biased ideas, the critiques would then be based upon those biased ideas. Therefore, readers can misinterpret Asimov’s critique as siding with Orwell’s writing. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Budweiser Advertisement

The purpose of this ad is to attract male drinkers. The technique behind this advertisement is through manipulating their target audience by using a sexy lady posing in the way that arouses men emotionally and erotically. Although society thinks that this ad will only lure men, it strangely attracts women as since the content on the advertisement stands out and is noticeable. Not only that, the use of red also portrays the tone of extremity. Red is a bright color, it also depicts increased enthusiasm, interest and desire. We think that the illustrator is trying to deceive people to drink Budweiser through convincing them emotionally.

The illustrator assumes that all males are attracted to sexy woman. However, the assumption that is for granted is that some male drinkers might not like this type of woman, they might like conservative woman. Therefore, this ad would not persuade those types of men to their product, Budweiser beer. 

Dao, Prim

Monday, September 24, 2012

Scarcity of Organ Donors

My First Love

Life is unfair. Some are born with 11 fingers, some are born with 2 heads, and some are born without arms. These people have different and abnormal physiques; I am different too but in another way. I was born with a dysfunctional liver. I came to know the truth when I was fifteen because it has gotten worse. I knew that my parents had been keeping this away from me because they wanted me to live happily just like every other ordinary girl.

My life changed now that I know the truth. The daily routines that I do changes and life is not as easy as it was before. I knew that I was not going to live on for so long. I feel weak and useless, knowing that death is nearby.

I can see each day getting worse. One day, I found myself in the hospital without knowing how I came here or who brought me here. It feels as if my life stopped for a moment. I was really confused as a team of doctors and nurses rushed by me, doing all sorts of thing with my body. The situations I witnessed seem so serious as they asked me all sorts of questions that I wasn’t even sure of what to answer. It appears as if I was dreaming, dreaming of a world I never imagined to live in before. As I gained my conscience back, the doctor slowly explained everything to me. He said I wasn’t going to live on for so long because they could not do a liver transplant for me since there weren’t enough livers donated. I was on the 1598th on the waiting list and I knew that it wouldn’t reach me any time soon.

Life in the hospital wasn’t exciting. The Big Nurse treated me as if I was a kid or otherwise an old lady that couldn’t help herself. They checked on me every hour until I was really annoyed. I was waiting for the moment for the Big Nurse to come in again and I was prepared to shout and throw stuff at her. I was waiting there on my bed silently, listening for the Big Nurse’s loud footsteps. I didn’t wait for so long and I could hear her coming towards the door… I counted… 3…2…1… looking at the door ferociously. *Squeak* the door opened, and I was about to bawl but my eye got caught staring for a moment until I realized it wasn’t her.

He was muscular, tall, and tanned. He was wearing a green shirt that fitted him perfectly. He has dark eyebrows, tall nose, blue eyes, dirty blonde medium length hair, and scrumptious-looking lip. As he looked up at me, I caught myself scrutinizing his face.  I was lost in thought for a moment. I didn’t know where to go from then on, the feeling of hatred and anger disappeared into nerves instead. I glanced at him from the tip of my eyes because I was scared to look at him directly. I don’t know why I feel so awkward looking at him even though he is just an ordinary male nurse. I felt strange because I never experience something like this before. Never had I ever been so sure that he is the right one for me even if I don’t know him or have seen him before. But I could feel in my heart that was beating so hard as if it was going to jump out of my body. Never have I believed in love at first sight until today.

I would wait for him everyday to check on me every hour. The thing I once hated most has become what I have been waiting for eagerly every hour. Before meeting him, I didn’t know what to live for because in the end I would be waking up with the feeling of emptiness knowing that I have to die sooner or later. Now, things have changed. I feel that I have someone to admire even just by looking at him from a far distant makes my heart full and complete. I wish nothing more than just looking at him 24 times a day until my life lives no more.

I just don’t understand why life is unfair. I don’t know what to call it, I would rather say that it is a mixed feeling of half pain and half joy. I admit that it was really painful to know that I am going to die but it was more than words that I could say of experiencing “love” for the first time. I regret how life is unfair but at least, I won’t cry because it is going to be over, but smile in peace because it happened.

My first love and my last love…


Personally, I chose to write about the Lack of Organ Donors because I am deeply passionate about the importance of everyone’s life. Although there are some who donate their organs to the people in need, it is only the few percentages. I feel that this issue has not been properly addressed in society that I live in. Therefore, the purpose of this writing is to promote the donation of organs.

The intention of writing a short story is to raise the awareness of “Scarcity of Organ Donors” by manipulating the readers emotionally. The message of this short story is not directly told to the readers but instead indirectly informing the issue and expanding on how the character is affected by this problem. It is expected that the readers will feel the pain and sorrow from the main character in this story, and this builds sympathy towards the people in need of organ donation like this character. Therefore, the condolences towards the main character in this story will persuade or at least raise awareness for contemporary readers of all age groups to donate their organs for those in need.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Metacognitive 5- "A Modest Proposal"

Jonathan Swift wrote "A Modest Proposal" to satirize the Irish politicians' ineptitude and also the hypocrisy of the wealthy class in the country. Swift proposes a solution to the problem Ireland is facing of having overpopulated children that are impoverished. He suggests a solution that would benefit the public socially, politically, and economically which is to make parents sell their children in the meat market to be seasoned and served for the wealthy class and receiving "Shillings" in return. This meat market regulates the economy, helps the government solve problems of these poor children from being a "burden" to their parents as well as being beneficial to the commonwealth.
From the perspective of a modern reader, Swift's proposal seems to be very inhumane and sadistic. He relies on the fact that his readers know about the political issues in Ireland. He excessively uses sarcasm throughout this text to mock the government representing a view of the public who lived under its control. Swift intends to build hatred against or look down on the Irish politicians. Although Swift does not talk badly upon the politicians directly, he deceives the readers through the use self-righteous. As a contemporary reader, this text appears to be a little hard to understand because of its language. It repetitively uses capitalization throughout the sentence and also dictions that have different meanings from today's. Despite its use of language that can confuse modern readers, Swift's writing is still an excellent piece of satire.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Metacognitive Journal 4- 1984

"1984" was written to illustrate how the idea of communism/totalitarianism and democracy co-existed in society. George Orwell writes in an omniscient perspective where he portrays views from both sides, however. He narrates this novel through Winston, the main character of this novel who appears to be a democrat. With reference to Orwell's work, he wrote "Animal Farm", satirizing communist leaders as corrupted pig leaders that deceive fellow animals in the farm. Although Orwell did not attack those Communist Leaders in his time directly, he humiliates these manipulative leaders by making them animal caricatures in his novel. He compares the Communist parties in Russia that overthrew the monarchy to the animals in the story that overthrew the Jones or the owner governing the farm. Animal Farm is an effective piece of writing that inspires the readers to hold on to a bias view of the political world as well as entertains the readers.

In this case, I think that "1984" is also another piece of work that Orwell intends to persuade contemporary readers to believe in democracy. He depicts a society with no freedom where there is a telescreen that capture people's actions and voices all the time. Orwell represents Winston's perspective where he does not like how the government invades his privacy by using the telescreen but he omits about how other people in society feels about it. However, Orwell did point out the fact  points out the fact that the public was okay with Big Brother doing the Two Minutes Hate and that the public roared and growled supporting the Party's side. 

Orwell wrote this novel during the time period when society was much influenced by Communist ideas.  However it has shift over centuries and communist ideas have been reduced. Although democracy appears to dominate the world today, Communism still exist in countries such as North Korea. If I could choose between being communism and democracy, I would choose democracy just like Winston. I feel that being governed under democracy allows people freedom. I believe that people will benefit when they have the rights to make choices for themselves and shape their own lives. Not only that, the economy will also grow when people are governed under capitalism and not collective farms. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Metacognitive 3 on 1984

The first chapter of this novel introduces the main character, Winston. He lives in an environment that is controlled by a Party overlooked by Big Brother who based his beliefs on totalitarianism. The novel starts with a striking phrase "Big Brother is Watching You" portraying the sense of no privacy.  People in the novel is being watched and listened 24/7 by the telescreen. Furthermore, there are four main ministries, including the Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Love, Ministry of Peace, and Ministry of Plenty. Each ministry overlooked and dealt with the misbehaviors of the residences in Oceania. 

Not only that, people in Oceania were also to attend the Two Minutes Hate, a gathering that condemns the idea of freedom of rights, freedom of thoughts, freedom of press, etc. It was said that the Two Minutes Hate always mentioned Emmanuel Goldstein, who was once a leader in the Party but now became a revolutionist to Big Brother and the Party. The purpose of people watching this speech is to build hatred inside people against Goldstein and his ideas. 

The mottos in this novel appear to be peculiar and odd to contemporary readers. Orwell writes,


which these censures the idea of peace, freedom, and promoting ignorance. It appears as 'unusual' today because people today are striving for peace and freedom, and contrastingly avoids ignorance. It can be deduced that today's society is different from the majoring totalitarianism in 1984. People view things differently from different perspectives.  

Personally, the Two Minutes Hate and Big Brother’s idea of totalitarianism wouldn’t manipulate me. I was raised in a society with freedom and I wouldn't appreciate if freedoms that have been granted are taken away. For example, my parents take away my freedom of choice when it comes to doing homework. They always force me to finish my academic-related work before wandering off in the internet, playing Facebook and Skype. In my opinion, I do not like it at all even though their reasons of taking away this freedom is for my own benefit. 

On the other hand, viewing it from a bigger scope, there are also some problems that society is faced with the government intruding upon a their privacy. In this case, it would apply to the Transportation Security Administration. For example, people are forced to go through a "backscanner" and this device captures the individual's naked picture. For this reason, I strongly feel that it is inappropriate and over the top even if it is for security and the government enforces this administration. It makes me feel insecure and violated. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Love Bird
No one is worth our tears, and the one who is, will never make us cry.