Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Metacognitive 5- "A Modest Proposal"

Jonathan Swift wrote "A Modest Proposal" to satirize the Irish politicians' ineptitude and also the hypocrisy of the wealthy class in the country. Swift proposes a solution to the problem Ireland is facing of having overpopulated children that are impoverished. He suggests a solution that would benefit the public socially, politically, and economically which is to make parents sell their children in the meat market to be seasoned and served for the wealthy class and receiving "Shillings" in return. This meat market regulates the economy, helps the government solve problems of these poor children from being a "burden" to their parents as well as being beneficial to the commonwealth.
From the perspective of a modern reader, Swift's proposal seems to be very inhumane and sadistic. He relies on the fact that his readers know about the political issues in Ireland. He excessively uses sarcasm throughout this text to mock the government representing a view of the public who lived under its control. Swift intends to build hatred against or look down on the Irish politicians. Although Swift does not talk badly upon the politicians directly, he deceives the readers through the use self-righteous. As a contemporary reader, this text appears to be a little hard to understand because of its language. It repetitively uses capitalization throughout the sentence and also dictions that have different meanings from today's. Despite its use of language that can confuse modern readers, Swift's writing is still an excellent piece of satire.

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