Monday, September 3, 2012

Metacognitive 3 on 1984

The first chapter of this novel introduces the main character, Winston. He lives in an environment that is controlled by a Party overlooked by Big Brother who based his beliefs on totalitarianism. The novel starts with a striking phrase "Big Brother is Watching You" portraying the sense of no privacy.  People in the novel is being watched and listened 24/7 by the telescreen. Furthermore, there are four main ministries, including the Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Love, Ministry of Peace, and Ministry of Plenty. Each ministry overlooked and dealt with the misbehaviors of the residences in Oceania. 

Not only that, people in Oceania were also to attend the Two Minutes Hate, a gathering that condemns the idea of freedom of rights, freedom of thoughts, freedom of press, etc. It was said that the Two Minutes Hate always mentioned Emmanuel Goldstein, who was once a leader in the Party but now became a revolutionist to Big Brother and the Party. The purpose of people watching this speech is to build hatred inside people against Goldstein and his ideas. 

The mottos in this novel appear to be peculiar and odd to contemporary readers. Orwell writes,


which these censures the idea of peace, freedom, and promoting ignorance. It appears as 'unusual' today because people today are striving for peace and freedom, and contrastingly avoids ignorance. It can be deduced that today's society is different from the majoring totalitarianism in 1984. People view things differently from different perspectives.  

Personally, the Two Minutes Hate and Big Brother’s idea of totalitarianism wouldn’t manipulate me. I was raised in a society with freedom and I wouldn't appreciate if freedoms that have been granted are taken away. For example, my parents take away my freedom of choice when it comes to doing homework. They always force me to finish my academic-related work before wandering off in the internet, playing Facebook and Skype. In my opinion, I do not like it at all even though their reasons of taking away this freedom is for my own benefit. 

On the other hand, viewing it from a bigger scope, there are also some problems that society is faced with the government intruding upon a their privacy. In this case, it would apply to the Transportation Security Administration. For example, people are forced to go through a "backscanner" and this device captures the individual's naked picture. For this reason, I strongly feel that it is inappropriate and over the top even if it is for security and the government enforces this administration. It makes me feel insecure and violated. 

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